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1. One thought for the day places before us two contrasting words:

A. Those who balk at following God’s Law are REBELLIOUS.

B. And those who seek out and follow that law are PIOUS.

The readings from Ezekiel and Mark tell us that sometimes God has known little else than REBELLION from us. And yet He continues to reach out to those who are REBELLIOUS. Indicating all the while His deep desire to change REBEL hearts. And also how He RELLISHES those PIOUS attempts by mankind, so He can LAVISH His mercy on those who do Work to follow His will.

2. The prophet Ezekiel was called by the Lord to prophesy to an inhospitable people. To indict the nation of Israel for having ignored what the Lord had asked of them in the covenant. Ezekiel was in danger where he delivered the Lord’s words. And the words were not welcome.

Jesus also was the bearer of ‘BAD NEWS’. Bad news to those who held the opinion that what Jesus was preaching was not the TRUTH and it made them uncomfortable to hear.

Prophetic words often were harsh to those who took advantage of the poor and abandoned, especially when they passed their days in luxury while others suffered destitution.

And the words of Ezekiel reflect this disgruntled stance from Yahweh…”the HARD of FACE and the OBSTINATE of HEART are they to whom I am sending you.” Jesus personally felt their ‘LACK OF FAITH’.

The Gospel brings to us the concept of PIETY. Jesus had departed from the Galilee region and he was accompanied by his disciples from that region. They followed Jesus to His home area of Nazareth and there he met the native REBELS with their ‘ASTONISHMENT’ that turns to ‘RESENTMENT’. For they found it hard to accept the TEACHINGS of the Prophet.

A. They could believe in the Scriptures, but they couldn’t believe in the one they pointed too.

B. His native people could believe in the Sadducees and the Pharisees and the Zealots, but they felt compelled to doubt Jesus.

3. The PIOUS can easily turn REBELLIOUS. All people in each generation choose REBELLION or PIETY.

-Many disciples believed in the miracles of Jesus and in the end were apart of the crowd that yelled ‘CRUCIFY HIM, CRUCIFY HIM.’

And by the same token the REBELLIOUS can change their Ways and take the road of PIETY.

4. Some say we live in an extremely complex and demanding world. Technological advances, day to day pressures of life, leisure time and business practices confront us with the issues that give us the choices of REBELLION or PIETY.

Each generation has had prophets or in our case, the Church to help us know and avoid Rebellion and take on Piety. And if you think it has become more difficult to know what is right and what is wrong, what is good and what is evil. Then all the more the need to follow Jesus and Listen to Him in the Church.

5. So how are you doing? Are you a REBEL? Are you Pious? Maybe we each say we have a ‘LITTLE REBEL’ in us.

A. The little Rebel in us might think its OK to miss Mass, To NOT receive the Sacraments, pray or support the church.

B. The little Rebel in us might think just a little cheating, a little drunkenness, a little promiscuity, a little lying, a little Gossip is OK.

It’s not. A little rebellion CAN LEAD to a …Hard Face and Obstinate Heart”…for each of us. A little rebel in us in not OK, because it makes it hard for Jesus to work miracles in our lives.

6. The Church is the body of Christ. And it stands out in this world as the right choice to turn to for the answers because the church is the Keeper/Guardian and interpreter of the Scriptures. As the Body of Christ we are called to the Virtue of Piety. We are called to follow the will of God. And we are called to invite others to do the same.