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1. It is pointed out in the U.S. Constitution that the Government cannot form a State sponsored religion. This has come to be known as ‘Separation of Church and State’. While this separation is important, it must be noted that the two entities, Church and State, can work COOPERATIVELY together for the ‘COMMON GOOD’ of society.

Church and State do work for the Common Good in areas of Health, Education, Poverty, Science, and Justice. They can even work on Social institutions like MARRIAGE or behaviors like Sex.

And until recent times, Two of marriages key purposes that each church and state have held to, that seemed important for the common good had to do with procreation. And that is:

-to encourage men and women to create the next generation in the right loving union (between a man and a woman). And to…

-Simultaneously to discourage the creation of children in other contexts such as out of wedlock in fatherless homes.

The Church and State also worked cooperatively on some sexual Issues such as Adultery, Fornication, Pornography, abortion or even same sex unions. Cooperative Histories on issues, that at one time were way more similar than they are now, or may tending to be.

– Sometimes Church and State are on the same page together.

– And sometimes their thoughts are far apart.

2. The Church at times gives us readings. especially in Ordinary time, that take the time to teach us how we are to live and promote the kingdom of God here on earth. The ‘Common Good’ for certain issues transcend barriers. Today Jesus seized the opportunity to encourage the ‘Powers to be’ to restore in cultural use the proper context upon which God intended for the Marriage of a Man and Woman.

He started with Jewish religious leaders, because many times even God’s people were not on the same page as God. And today our kingdom living lesson was about DIVORCE and ADULTERY. Jesus talked about ‘Hardness of Heart’ of the Israelites, but ‘Hard Hearts’ pop up in any generation.

He pointed out how Moses wrote a law allowing a divorce decree. In Deut, 24:1 it says, ”When a man, after marrying a woman and having relations with her, is later displeased with her because he finds in her something indecent”, he could repudiate her by handing her a bill of divorce. It’s in the vague expression “something indecent” that differing interpretations by rabbis in Jesus time were being debated.

-Some said ‘Something indecent’ only included someone who committed adultery.

-Others more liberal said that it could mean ‘anything’ to allow one to divorce.

That is the context of the Pharisees asking Jesus the Question today. “Is it lawful for a husband to Divorce his wife.?”

3. Jesus undercut their question and reached back to the original Design that God intended for marriage. With this Restorative move to live God’s Kingdom here on earth, Jesus reminds us of God’s plan that from the BEGINNING, GOD INTENDED that man and woman must not separate if the marriage was of God.

4. When it comes to understanding the demands and responsibilities of Marriage and Sexuality in society, the Catholic Church is at one and in the same time, the spiritual and cultural leader. For while it teaches that:

a) A Man and a Woman must make a lifelong commitment;

b) that they should be open to receiving children from God;

c) that they should love each others as Jesus loved us.

It does not mean all non-Christians or personnel of the State will understand the spiritual side of Marriage. But they will see the practical/cultural side, if WE who believe in the church will live these concepts of HOLY MATRIMONY. And the practical benefits are Stable marriages that produce real and intrinsic values for the common good of the Couple, the children and society at large.

5. We as Catholics can take HUMBLE / PRIDE in all the teachings of the Church in all areas of Marriage and Sexuality.

-Certainly the teaching on Divorce or Adultery. But also….
-The teachings of making a lifelong commitment to one partner.
-The teaching for Chastity in a Homosexual relationship.
-The teaching of ‘saving one self’ for marriage.
-The teaching against contraceptive use in marriage.
-The teaching against abortion.

WE must live these teachings ourselves. Then LIKE Jesus, as SALT AND LIGHT, we must use our influence so that the STATE while Still A Separate entity from the Church, will work cooperatively with the Church’s better understanding to provide for the common good the things that ‘GOD INTENDED…FROM THE BEGINNING’.

1. PRIDE means a feeling of self satisfaction with what one is, has or has done, and PRIDE suggest either…
a. proper self-respect or personal dignity because of real worth,
b. or excessive self-love and arrogance because of imagined superiority.

Living with PRIDE is walking the fine line indeed. And since we take pride in our Cities, Businesses, Sports and Recreation or education systems. By definition we can apply a virtuous pride to them or slip into a false pride that degenerates what ever we take pride in to a morally bankrupt entity. Humility is the Antidote to a false pride.

False pride is more prevalent in all things in life than I think we really imagine. In our approach to political parties, to sports, to immigrants or ethnic cultures. In our approach to God where we balance our personal desires over the tested truth of Faith and reason. False Pride causes mankind to march to the beat of nonsense.

2. The Gospel and readings today bring to the forefront how man has

-placed in the balance the notion of human love and how it should be lived out (i.e.: Gay marriage, polygamy, fornication, adultery, rape etc.)

-or has ignored what we have come to know over the centuries from the learning curve on human sexuality. (I.e.: Sexually Transmitted Disease, Abortion, contraception.)

3. Marriage is the general and common word applying to the institution, the legal and spiritual relation between a man and woman.

4. Matrimony (Holy) is the formal and religious word and applies especially to the spiritual relation or the religious ceremony or sacrament.