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1. Our senses: TOUCH-SIGHT-SMELL-HEARING & SPEECH, are truly a magnificent gifts from God. Life without even one of them would be very hard indeed. Scripture points out many times that people who never had the use of these senses, were usually found to be among the Poorest people. Those along with the SICK, LAME, WIDOW and ORPHANED, their POORNESS came from their inability to care for themselves and…and from a society that would not want the burden of caring for them, because of THEIR selfishness and greed.

2. Jesus is playing on this understanding of ‘Who the Poor are’ and by taking the literal meaning of ‘POOR’ and applying it to what he terms ‘the REALLY POOR’ …and that is those who have NEVER through the use of their senses been able to come to know God. A kind of Spiritual impediment or circumstance.

If we have a Hearing impairment, just think of all that we miss Out on in life. In our SPIRITUAL DEAFNESS, as a individual or community, we are at a tremendous Disadvantage to know God.

And in the Gospel today it includes another step of impairment when you have a loss of hearing.. The Inability to speak or to articulate our basic needs or hold a meaningful conversation.

The SPIRITUAL MUTE would be a person, unable to proclaim or articulate the Salvation story or wonders of God…because he simply just doesn’t understand them.

Who in Jesus’ time were the POOREST OF THE POOR? Jesus was pointing to the GENTILES. God / Yahweh as the Jewish People knew Him, had not been communicated to them. And He is Making it known that He came to tend to the needs of these POOR.

3. The construction of the Gospel helps us to see this. The opening sentence has Jesus taking a very long trip. Easily 100 miles. Starting from Tyre heading north to Sidon, turning southeast heading over the Leontes River. All in modern day Lebanon. Heading past Caesarea-Phillipi to the east side of the Jordan River then approaching the east side of the sea of Galilee in the territory of the Decapolis (Ten cities of Roman Rule.) All in Gentile Territory.

The WORD was getting out. People brought the DEAF-MUTE to Him. He touched him and cured him. He OPENED his ears so that he could hear God Speak. He OPENED his mouth to be able to Articulate that the kingdom of God had Come upon him. And in Their Joy they COULD NOT be restrained from telling others.

4. The prophet Isaiah (34) “Speaks to the condemnation” of the Gentile people of Edom. A people historically opposed to the Israelites even from the days of their Exodus. They lived in an Area SE of the Dead sea blocking the direct route to the promised land.

In Isaiah (35) the prophet “Speaks to the promise of Salvation” for this same people. The Messiah will restore fullness of life to this people and the desert they are living in. The Restoration of the senses will be Gods’ sign to all of forgiveness and mercy.

They will not only hear of the God of the Israelites. They will also see His actions. They will ARTICULATE what they have seen and heard. Their Joy and gladness will be UNRESTRAINED.

5. The Israelites were the 1st people to hear the word of God and know His commands. The Hebrew scriptures relate this story to us. Yahweh OPENED their Eyes-Ears-Mouths in a special ways. Through people and historic events.

Jesus came to OPEN the Eyes-Ears-Mouths of every Gentile. When in the miracle He performed, to restore the senses of the deaf-mute in the Decapolis area, He symbolically OPENED (Ephphatha) to all Gentiles the possibility of all overcoming their impediments to hear and understand the word of God. This is BY FAR a greater miracle than the cure of physical deafness.

6. IN BAPTISM OUR EARS AND MOUTHS WE OPENED. In the EPHPHATHA Prayer Jesus Opens our Ears and Mouths. The question is, do we use our restored senses of hearing and speaking. Jesus does not perform miracles just to perform. There is always A deeper meaning and obligation that comes with it.

7. Take stock of this Miracle that was worked on our behalf. Where do we each remain DEAF. Why do we each refrain from SHOUTNG about the mercy of God?

Our prayer for ourselves and others should be. Ephphatha! ‘Be Open’ to the Teachings of Christ in the church. Ephphatha! ‘Be Open’ to the Spirit working in you through the Sacraments. Ephphatha! Be open to taking the Good News to those around you.