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1. I hadn’t taken a weeks VACATION in 25 years, because of the fears, demands and constraints of my life…until three weeks ago.

It all started on a Friday with a Lefler Family reunion (all 135 of them) in South Bend, Ne. Two hot days of non stop fun on the beach, on the volleyball court, on a pontoon, and at the picnic table. Sunday we had to rush home to take care of the yard, so we could take off the next day, with our family (19 of us in 5 cars) to Rapid City, SD., a favorite mini vacation destination, to celebrate our 40th wedding anniversary. It was in the driving, the heat, the activities, the long nights, the early mornings, and the usual family commotion…that a memorable vacation was made. A much needed variation to the daily grind.

There was a little anxiety, as I worried about work with out me and the Drought on my gardens. And I missed a Deacon Retreat, that I now got to fit in some where else. You don’t need to pity me, it’s life and I enjoy it’s challenges. Importantly we didn’t forget about God. We went to Sunday Mass and said Grace at the reunion and vacation meals. And in the Black Hills, I went on walks to say the office and rosary.

2. I’ll bet most would say that our DAILY lives are very full because of the many, MANY things we need to balance. WORK at work and at home. Plus efforts to stay in shape and the no-stop GO, GO, GO. There is everyday effort to maintain relationships, deal with temptations, lick our wounds from battles and look for inspiration to move forward with.

No need to pity you either, that’s life and while it all does seem to take a toll, we seem to know that in coming HERE every week, we are adding the balance to our DAILY lives, as we continue to seek to do His will.

3. That’s a main point of today’s readings. How God invites or shepherds us to keep connected to Him, whether on VACATION or in the DAILY routine. And to do it in the Gift of KNOWLEDGE from the Holy Spirit, which is the practical KNOW-HOW, to balance our every day Physical Life and our Spiritual Life. Knowledge, that shows us how to use everything as a way that leads to spiritual growth for ourselves and others.

4. Jeremiah preaches ‘woe to the shepherds who destroy and scatter the sheep’ of God’s pasture. This applies, not just to our Pastor, but to every person who does — or could – influence others in any group situation. This warning then includes parents, grand parents, teachers, business and political leaders. And it definitely is a Warning to ourselves, as we each have been entrusted with the care of our own personal lives. We are before anything else, shepherds of our own souls. In the circle of trust we find our selves in with God, there is a lot of people to care for.

5. The Gospel gives us Jesus, as the model of the good shepherd who calls, leads and governs wisely, himself and those to who he is placed in charge of. To his disciples, who were one and the same time TRIED and EXCITED from their first missionary tour, he says, “Come away and rest awhile. He knows are lives are full and challenging. But if He is not the center of all our activities…all will be for naught. He is constantly calling us to take a Break. Let me TALK to you. Let me TEACH you.

Jesus SAW many times and we SEE it today, people being lured away from His pastures by the enticements and pressures of the world. We put what should be last…first. We become preoccupied by what is not important. That is why he has PITY, and we must have Pity, on all those who have not found Him, have no one to help lead them to Jesus. ‘They are like Sheep with out a shepherd.’

6. Out biggest failure to have a solid relationship with Jesus and God, comes not in the fact that we have bad will toward God; it’s simple BAD MANAGEMENT of our time, talents and treasure.

Think of those in your life, who today will NOT make use of any of the TOOLS or ‘OUT of the WAY places’ God gives us to help us find Him to KNOW His will on this Sunday: Scripture, Sacraments, Liturgy, Private Prayer and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. How many people will give PRIME TIME to golf, shopping, vacations, sleeping, eating and fail to do a little FACE TIME with God.

And if we MISMANAGE our SUNDAY, I’ll bet the hustle of Monday through Saturday will stymie are desires even more.

7. St. Paul tells us that Jesus, “…came and preached peace.” In those words, he sums up the, ministry of Christ on earth. As He reconciled men with God their Creator and Father, and reconciled men with one another, He invites us to be diligent about care for our selves and one another. And in a BUSY life, understanding this is the essence of a true spiritual life which will enhance our daily lives. Life is NOT, one big VACATION, try as we might to make it that way. Life though is, a long VOCATION. A calling from God that tells us, He wants to be with us every step of the way, every day. As summer wears on, as life wears on, look for Him in one of those ‘Out of the way Places’.