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2013 Acts 13: 14-43-52, Rev. 7:9- 14-17, John 10: 27-30

1.It’s very helpful when crafting a homily to know the DYNAMICS of what was taking place in a particular reading. For this Homily I sourced the BEST. The Jerome Biblical commentary…not hardly. I went to the GOOD Holy Cross 6th grade social studies teacher. That Mrs. Karpuk helped me understand the Pagan culture, the gods of the Roman Empire and the dynamic interaction with the Christians. Do you realize there were 20 MAJOR Roman gods (Apollo, Bacchus, Cupid, Janus, Juno, Jupiter, Neptune and Saturn and so on). And at least 50 MINOR gods (like Luna, Iris, Nemesis, Spes, Veritas). Some of their names makeup the day of the week or month of the year. Others have planets or products named after them.

For the pagan people, it was a battle to find out whose god was the best god. And the reason they had so many gods, was that they didn’t want to leave a god out for fear of offending a ‘true god’. The Egyptians had (61) gods, the Chinese had plenty also (50). Greeks had their gods, but when the Romans conquered them, they kept the god but changed its name. Like the Greek god of Love was Eros, the Roman god Cupid. By comparison: the Israelites had 1 God. Major societies (like the Romans) tolerated other gods as long as they did not create political problems. The Romans tolerated the Jewish God and Christian Triune God for a while. Eventually Nero put an end to PAX ROMANA.

2. In our reading from Acts today, Paul went to the City of Antioch in the country of Pisidia, a Roman Colony to preach to the Jews. Over time many Jewish communities had started in different countries. In these foreign countries the Jews gathered in their synagogue on the Saturday, their day of rest. It was not easy to (1) preach Jesus as the Messianic fulfillment to the Jews AND (2) at the same time tell them that God offers to the Gentiles the same faithfulness and chance for salvation that they had enjoyed. So in many cases, as in our reading, Paul was CAST OUT of the synagogue for preaching salvation to the pagan Gentiles.

When this happened though, it became the beginning of a NEW TREND of EVANGELIZATION for Paul. Paul actually found the non Jewish Pisidians of Antioch, who were culturally Roman and Greek, willing listeners to the Gospel of Jesus. The Roman Empire was about 99% pagan. And the Gentile people had two major problems that Paul and the Church would need to address. The 1st was the IMMORAL lifestyles they followed : adulterous living, pre marital sex, homosexual sex, infanticide and debauchery..sound familiar?. And 2ndly was their IDOLATRY, worship of false gods. The pagan societies simply didn’t know the TRUTH. Apparently NEITHER was TO hard to overcome, especially in Pisidia at that time.

The message Paul had, MUST have been quite attractive and welcomed by right-minded pagans. For the Pagan Pisidians, just as it would be soon for many Gentiles in the Roman Empire, the news the Christians preached WAS about the ONE TRUE GOD who was CREATOR and GOVERNOR of the whole universe. Paul told them how his God made man in order to share in God’s OWN ETERNAL happiness. The message continued with how this ‘True God so loved mankind’, that He sent his son on earth, in our HUMAN NATURE, to teach us to know and love our Creator. Most reassuring was that this son of God died and rose from the dead, and gave His guarantee that everyone who would follow his teaching would likewise be raised from the dead to an everlasting life.

3. In the light of that reading and our Gospel, this is Good Shepherd Sunday. So on the MIND of the church today is, that what had been seen as personal FAITHFUL-NESS and SHEPERDING to ONLY the Chosen people of Israel by God in the Old Testament (through the Covenants, works of wonder etc); must now be seen in the New Testament (Death and Resurrection) as Jesus being the NEW FAITHFUL SHEPHERD for ALL mankind and preached to others through His Church.

In the Gospel we clearly see Jesus placing himself in the footsteps of His Father. Who as King and Shepherd never ABANDONED the Israelite people. So the words of Jesus in the Gospel, came about because the Jews were questioning his claim to be the Messiah. He identifies his miracles as his proofs—would God allow him to work miracles if he were an imposter? He then calls himself the Shepherd of God’s flock. “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me; and I give them eternal life”.

5. Today for the church to Shepherd, it must understand the DYNAMICS of the world around us. Good Shepherding will help stop the ‘Faithful’ from rejecting the LEADERSHIP, TEACHINGS and PRACTICES of the church. Good Shepherding will help the ‘Modern Pagan’ to hear about the ONE TRUE GOD and the life He calls us to live. The world needs Shepherding! Good Shepherding! Constant Shepherding!

The fullest meaning of ‘Good Shepherd’ just dosen’t apply to the fresh face, teaching and example of Pope Francis. Yes, He brings fresh air and joy and fervor…but he can’t do our jobs for us. We each must be Good Shepherds, each from our positions in life. From Bishop on down to Priest, Deacon, Religious, Parent, Teacher, Neighbor. How is your Shepherding in your family? Are you a Good Shepherd to your extended Family? Your Neighborhood? Your Work Place? How many spouses, children, relatives, neighbors and friends have gone astray or don’t know the truth, because your AFRAID to preach the ONE TRUE GOD?

Today we need to ask God to help us be GOOD SHEPHERDS! (And with that let us AFFIRM Fr. Merlin and Msgr. for their GOOD SHEPHERDING)