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CYCLE C 32ND ORDINARY 2013 2 Maccabees 7:1-2 9-14, 2Thesalonians 2:16- 3:5, Luke 20, 27-38 1. In a quote from the 1963 Vatican II Document Gaudium et Spes No. 43 (whose 50th year we are celebrating), it spoke to the problem of Catholics living the faith. It said, the...

Pre-Nuptial Blessing

PRE-NUPTIAL BLESSING Groom: With great joy, [__] and I stand before you and ask for your blessing upon our forth coming marriage. Bride: And we ask for your continued prayers as well, so that [__] and I will grow in love and knowledge of one another. Father of the...

Marriage Homily: Dependence on God

1. Celebrating your Marriage on the same day we celebrate the founding principles of our Nations birth, is unique indeed. In preparation, I researched the founding Documents and found 3 phrases, that can help us celebrate this Great day for you, and all that it holds...

Marriage Homily: Covenant

1. When speaking about God, the word ‘COVENANT’ is often used. The word implies that a SOLEMN AGREEMENT between two parties establishing a relationship of LOVE and FIDELITY has taken place. “Covenant’… is the MASTER word we use to answer the question “What is the...