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1. In the light of the Transfiguration we must ask ourselves this Lent some Spiritual Questions.

(1) What are we each looking for in Life?

(2) To what lengths will I go to attain them? We must look for the reasons we will DEDICATE our lives to God. The Transfiguration because it gives us a ‘Momentary glimpse of the Resurrection’ that should be sufficient reason to make Lent a spiritual success. And to follow that up with an attitude that says I will do anything necessary to help others attain that goal.

A part of our Baptismal call, is that we realize the necessity to Evangelize. To those unchurched, those who would like to come into the Catholic Church and to those who have strayed.

2. We all are quite aware of the statistics. Less than 50% of Catholics attend Mass. It’s terrible development and getting worse. And it demands a response. We are our BROTHERS KEEPER contrary to popular belief. But first, what will CREATE in us the desire to go after them? Or what will CREATE in them the desire to return? It can start with a good look at today’s Gospel.

3. The Transfiguration comes to us in two parts. The 1st is given to us as that ‘Moment of Glory’. The Transfiguration is where Jesus allowed some part of the glory that was His as the Father’s Chosen Son, to appear. It illuminated in part, both the identity of Jesus as as God and Man and his mission. A destiny that we have a stake in.

And appearing with Jesus were MOSES and ELIJAH. The witnesses on behalf of the LAW and the PROPHETS to the Christ.

This revelation took place in front of 3 witnesses (Peter, John James). Who were of Jesus intimate circle and with Him also in the Agony of the garden. The total mountain experience then allows us to believe in the Glory of Jesus and his authenticity as the messiah from first hand account.
2nd important point to the Transfiguration is the connection we must make to that ‘MOMENT of GLORY’ is Jesus’ prediction that he will freely give Himself up on the cross. This connection is most apparent in Luke’s version of the Transfiguration where it says, “And behold, two men were conversing with Him, Moses and Elijah, who appeared in glory in glory and spoke of His exodus that he was going to accomplish in Jerusalem.”

The exodus is a reminder of Israel’s journey from slavery to freedom and refers to Jesus’ impending journey to Jerusalem would include the passion and death first, and then the Resurrection.

4. This Exodus experience ultimately tells us all of Jesus deeds of Mercy here to fore will all be rebuffed. And will lead Him to prove God’s plan of glory is only accomplished through the MERCY FULL act of dying on the cross. Luke’s Transfiguration story Invites us each to make this connection. We too must understand that we must go through our own Exodus to get to the promised land.

To our Lost, Alienated and Hurt brothers and sisters then, we must INVITE them back to the GLORY, but they MUST understand it COMES ONLY through the WAY OF THE CROSS.

5. This week we ask you FOCUS on the Glory and lead them back through Remembering Church. You can do it 3 ways. And each is a way to die to self. Use the yellow slip at the end of the pew because…

-We need you to become apart of the team. A team that is FOCUSED on the Resurrection, but will DEDICATE themselves to work tirelessly for their return.

-Or we need you to bring 1 lost sheep back. The biggest problem we have is they want to come back…but they tell us it’s a hard step. Your Spouse, Child, Parent, friend needs your help on this exodus journey.

-Still if you can’t do the others, give us a name so that we can nurture their return.

-Pertinent Program information is on the back.

6. If we Stay focused on the Glory this Lent, we can then with the same RECKLESS ABANDON that the shepherd did in the parable of the Lost Sheep, go after our strays. With the same determination that The women in the parable of the lost coin had, we will TURN our Blessed Sacrament House UPSIDE DOWN to find a alienated member. And with the same Joy and LAVISH LOVE the Prodigal Father gave to his Prodigal Son we can bring back our In-Active Brothers and sisters.