Catholic Homily for Cycle B Nineteenth Sunday Ordinary Time
(1KGS 19 4-8, JOHN 6 41-51) by Fred Karpuk
1. There is a lot to learn as a Catholic or as someone looks to becoming Catholic. Suffice to say that out of all the scripture and books like the Catechism, there are teachings that carry with it a ‘need to know’. Of our Catholic Faith one that would top the list, is the EUCHARIST. As the church says, the Eucharist is the SOURCE and SUMMIT of our Faith. And knowledge from that opens up knowledge on a host of other teachings. Therefore we should look to understand it from any way we can. One of the best ways is to see in the Old Testament how the PERSONS or EVENTS PREFIGURE a person (Jesus) or event in the New Testament.
Just for kicks, here are some questions for you on the Eucharist:
- a) Do you know who Melchizedek is? How does his story in the Old Testament prefigure the Mass or his appearance prefigure Jesus?
- b) We refer to Jesus as the Lamb of God. How does the Lamb in Abraham/ Isaac story or in the Passover/ Exodus story prefigure Jesus.
- c) And one we will tackle today is, “In what ways does Elijah prefigure Jesus”? And how does Jesus Fulfill those Elijah scripture moments?
2. The reasons for the many prefigurations of this sacrament (such as we have today, with the Angeles coming to the aid of Elijah with Bread and Water) from the Old Testament, and the foundational work by Jesus in the Gospel (such as His miracles and teachings in John 6) for he had not established the Eucharist yet, is that this is simply the way God chose to reveal His LOVE, COMPASSION and MERCY.
There is GREAT JOY in understanding SCRIPTURE, especially when the THREADS of Old Testament History are woven together and they reveal Jesus to us. Every week the church tries to open our eyes to God’s PLAN for us in Scripture. And NOW, over a 5 week period, she is laying before us these PREFIGURMENTS, so that we can come to know God’s PLAN and who Jesus is, as the ‘BREAD OF LIFE’.
3. The call to WALK in FAITH or FULLY TRUST in God is never easy. In that regard, Elijah is a Old Testament BIGGIE. In a number of Old Testament stories like: Elijah being cared for by the Ravens, Elijah and the Widow of Zarepath with her wheat and oil jars where they never went empty, and today Elijah being cared for by the Angel and with Bread and Water: Elijah prefigures Christ and the Eucharist. Elijah is also known as the prefigure to Christ and the Ascension as he was carried up to heaven in a whirlwind. Elijah also helps to Prefigure the Resurrection as he raises the Widow of Zarepath’s dead son. And remember Elijah also was seen at the Transfiguration with Moses which was a New Testament event.
4. In today’s reading, Elijah as the great prophet of Israel was called to defend the True Religion of Israel against the pagan beliefs that had been introduced into the North kingdom by Queen Jezebel. It came to the point where He had to offer a challenge and then wage war on the 450 prophets of Baal the pagan god. The outcome of the war would show who was worshiping the true God.
Elijah won the battle fought against the prophets of Baal. Despite his victory, Elijah was WANTED DEAD by the Queen Jezebel. Rather than fight her too, he runs from the country. So we find Elijah making a 300 mile Journey to Mt. Horeb in the Sinai desert to TALK to YAHWEH. (Mt. Horeb was the site where Moses encountered God. He received and the people accepted the Covenant.)
Elijah, was on his way when he ran short of Food and became weary in travel and tired in his effort to serve his God. It was here under the BROOM TREE that he reached his ‘WITS END’. God had asked a lot from him. This became the LOW point in his life and so it says, “…running for his life, He sat under the broom tree and prayed for death.”
As we know next, Elijah fell asleep and then God sent his angel to tend to Elijah’s needs. Not once, but twice the angel ordered him to get
Up and eat the Bread on hot stones and drink the jug of water. The 2nd time explaining that the journey was long and he needed the nourishment for the trip. Eating again the 2nd time, Elijah got up and made the journey to Mt. Horeb.
5. In the Gospel, we have Jesus Teaching the Basic Old Testament 101, which is about Himself as Eucharist. The Jews were finding it hard to reconcile their beliefs of the Old Testament with Jesus’ teachings about Himself being it’s fulfillment. “I am the bread come down from heaven!” That line refers to especially the manna in the desert in Exodus, but also today where Elijah received the Bread brought from the angels.
At other times they also had enough trouble with him when he said he was the Messiah or that He is God. They would have to accept those first before they could even begin to believe he’s the Bread of Eternal life. All this caused them to MURMUR their disgust and rejection of Jesus.
The Jews knew His parents Mary and Joseph. Jesus is a carpenters son from Nazareth. Therefore Jesus IS NOT the Messiah, IS NOT GOD and Jesus IS NOT the Bread come down. So some people took their FAITH AND WENT HOME.
5. There is much insight on the Eucharist we can gain from these stories.
- A BROOM TREE while a 1 tree oasis in the desert, prefigures Jesus, which we come to visualize as the church and the sacraments.
- The ANGELS are God’s helpers. Through out scriptures they have been associated with Eucharist Stories. And today Angels are delivering the Bread of life to Elijah.
- The BREAD or MANNA prefigures God’s care that comes to us in the Eucharist and is sustenance for the journey and strength for our spirit.
- The WATER prefigures the washing away of evil in the Flood, Red Sea and our Sacrament of Baptism.
- EATING TWICE prefigures the need of the Sacrament of the Eucharist to be received often, even daily, because the Journey is long and nourishment is needed.
- MT. HOREB is the prefigure our pilgrimage destination. Heaven is our Mt. Horeb. The place we will TALK with God.
6. If you have been Catholic for a long time and Feel your knowledge is inadequate or you know someone who is a candidate for RCIA, and they are over whelmed because there will be a lot to learn, Remember it all takes TIME AND EFFORT. And at times if you find your faith HARD to understand, don’t be disheartened or discouraged like the Jews in the Gospel who found Faith in Jesus to be to much, so they quit following Him.
Take comfort from Elijah, who had a tough row to hoe for God in his life. Like Elijah, head toward the place where you know God will be. Along the way take refuge under the Broom Tree. Take refuge in the Church and its sacraments. Especially the Eucharist, eat the BREAD of LIFE. And then continue on to Mt. Horeb where you will TALK TO GOD.
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