1. Todays’ Gospel provides us with a couple of characters most can identify with in one way or another. I think Beth and I could slip into the roles of Martha and Mary very easily.
I’ll tell you what….next summer Beth is going to have a Job. This taking a 10 week sabbatical from teaching is over. In the summer it’s these days until school starts again, that you would normally find her working hard herself on the HOME. But the problem is, this summer she is also cracking that whip on me. “Let’s do this” she says, or ‘Re- do” that. Spending money here and there; all in a effort to make our home better of course… BUT.
Beth has got the VISION for what she wants and the FEEL for how and when the job will get done. Beth envisions that by turning a Lazy boy into an energetic husband and a feeling that after she turns a remote control in to a paint brush…the job will get done…NOW. In fact, she was hinting that I should let preparation for this homily slide so that her ‘KITCHEN’ could take precedence.
My plan is that this is supposed to be the Summer of Fred. And I don’t think she understands that or the proper balance of Work and Rest I need.
2. While the Gospel is easily one that stirs our discourse, actually each reading today offers us a chance to explore the many different avenues to understand how God wants to work in our lives. 1) So whether our path is made similar to Abraham and Sarah because of the ‘PROMISES’ God made to them. 2) Or to the path Paul’s reflections speak of on his ‘TRIALS and IMPRISIONMENT’ that God gave him to endure. Or 3) like the ‘COMPARISON’ of Martha and Mary in their quest to serve their Lord that Luke lays before us. These readings invite us to cope in life with a view to knowing God has a plan for us and that we must SEEK it out and TRUST in it.
4. Abraham had been told by God to leave his home, his family and his native country, and come to a land which God would give as a homeland to his descendants. He was to become the father of a great race. From this race would come a blessing for all nations, the Messiah. Although Abraham’s wife, Sarah, was barren and no longer young, he trusted in God’s word and came to the land of Canaan. Some twenty years later Abraham was still waiting for God to fulfill his promise. It seemed like God might have been stringing him along for He was still without an heir, but nevertheless he did not lose his trust in God.
The incident of hospitality which happened at the place called the Oak of Mamre, to the Father and Founder of the Jewish race, the Chosen People, nearly four thousand years ago, would seem at first sight to have little if any interest for us Christians of the twentieth century. Yet it has. The basic fact of the narrative is that Abraham, after years of faithful trust in God, was finally given a definite guarantee that God’s promise to him would be fulfilled within a year. Does God seem to be leading you on a dead end course? Have you been trusting and faith full…even to now? Did He give you a path?
5. St. Paul, imprisoned for preaching the faith, devotes his time to writing to the Gentile converts whom he and his helpers had brought to the knowledge of the Gospel. He has no thought for himself or his suffering. In fact, he is glad to be allowed to suffer for this great cause. His one desire is to give his converts as deep an understanding as possible of the good news which they received when they were given the Christian faith.
Is God calling you to ‘KEEP’ your faith strong in spite of obstacles and trials in your life? Are you happy to do it? Is He calling you to ‘SHORE’ up the faith of your children, relatives and friends?
6. Martha has come to be, as it were, the symbol of ACTIVE life. And Mary is the symbol of that of the CONTEMPLATAIVE life. However, for most of us as Christians, we are called to sanctify ourselves in the MIDDLE of these both important worlds. Action and Contemplation cannot be regarded as two opposite ways of practicing the Christian faith: an active life forgetful of union with God is useless and barren; but an apparent life of prayer which shows no concern for apostolate and the sanctification of ordinary things also fails to please God. The KEY lies in being able to combine these two lives, without either harming the other. Have your duties with Home, Employment, Recreational and Social responsibilities caused you to back slide on Prayer and the Sacraments?
7. We also know from our readings that attention to Prayer, Scripture and Eucharist is of PRIME importance. As it must underlie all actions. You have chosen the ‘Best Part’ by coming here today. So then as you Think about what God is asking you to do for Him, be prepared to ‘Get it done…now.” And if you don’t think God has a path for you…turn around…MARTHA is coming! Your summer is over too.
We could add one more element. Knowing the nuances of Luke’s Gospel in this section help us to know that even Jesus is feeling the pressure in knowing and accomplishing God’s will. In section of Luke’s Gospel we find Jesus is now on the Home stretch in His ministry. He has turned boldly to make this trek toward Jerusalem. He knows what will happen there. And now with His disciples, He must be more forthright in revealing the Truth and helpful in getting them understand the Mission. The time of the Church is fast approaching.
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