Isaiah 42: 1-4, 6-7, Acts 10: 34-38, Luke 3: 15-15 21-22
1. As our children were growing, I coached a lot of sports. On one girls 4th and 5th grade basketball team, the other coach and I were both former ball players and both way above average in height. When it came to game day we were presented sweat shirts that on the back had the words GENTLE GIANT. As coaches, what we had on them besides our incredible SIZE, was also daunting game KNOWLEDGE, and a AUTHORITY that could crush their hopes for sports, but I don’t think anyone was impressed with any of that. What I hope was seen, by parents, wives and girls, was 2 GENTLEMEN, who wanted only to teach the game of basketball, a few important concepts for life that flow out of sports, demonstrate care for any basketball ability they might have, and help them grow socially.
2. In second-Isaiah (40-55) there are a series of ORACLES which describe a “SERVANT of Yahweh” who is to come. He will have the qualities of a KING, PRIEST and PROPHET but to a greater degree. They tell us, He will suffer for his people and be put to death because he carries out the will of God. The Christian tradition has always seen these oracles as messianic prophecies. They were fulfilled in Jesus Christ and in him only.
3. The oracle in Chapter 42, starts with the words ‘Behold my servant…in whom my soul delights”. It is the Old Testament support, for the New Testament feast which commemorates the BAPTISM of Christ in the Jordan. On that occasion the Father’s voice from heaven proclaimed that Jesus was “his beloved servant in which I AM WELL PLEASED”. In that moment the OT prophecy was full filled. But one might ask… just why was God so pleased with Jesus? The answer comes in how Jesus in being sent as King, Priest and Prophet, accepted for the sake of the mission, to come as a GENTLE GIANT.
4. Gentleness or Kindness is a fruit of the Spirit. It is a MARK of the highest person. The first reading and the words “…a bruised reed He will not break” point to this Gentleness. A ‘REED’ was a cane stalk which grows up in marshy or wet places. The word used SPIRITUALLY denotes a person who is WEAK, FRAGILE, EASILY WAVED by the wind, or already BROKEN down. The reed stood for the people who felt they did not have the strength to bear up against the ills of life. The REED stood in contrast with a LOFTY and FIRM tree. The word ‘BRUISED’ means that reed was bent, but WAS NOT entirely broken off. The PRIDE that God has in Jesus, is that in His Gentleness, Jesus “… will not break” the reed. Jesus in His mission will NOT carry on the work of destruction or break the faith of the poor. He will NOT make those broken with a sense of sin and with calamity, more wretched. He WILL NOT deepen their trials or increase their sorrows. His Gentleness will have an affectionate regard for the broken-hearted, the humble, the penitent, and the afflicted.
5. The phrase “…a smoldering wick He will not extinguish”, also points to Gentleness. A ‘smoldering wick’ refers to a flame or person which is weak, small, thin, feeble; or also to a spiritual flame which is just about to be extinguished when the oil is almost consumed. So when we hear the promise that Jesus WILL NOT extinguish or quench the wick, it means that in His gentleness, he will feed and nurse the human soul. He will supply GRACE, as an oil to rekindle the dying flame, to rise with a high-steady brilliance.
6. “Come to me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”(Mt 11:28) These words of Jesus, underlie His Gentleness and His mission. Gentleness opposes harsh, pain inflicting, and rude temperaments that causes trouble and promote unhappiness. His Gentle winsomeness attracts or encourages people. People respond, because we love a considerate look, a loving voice or helping hand. Then also we are apt to pass it on.
7. Jesus’ Gentleness, must become ours, because it is a pleasing and powerful sermon in practice, that no body can misunderstand. Our acts of KINDNESS are a 5th Gospel, even the DEAF can hear it and the BLIND can see it. Our world always needs reproof, but what it needs more is our Christ like Gentle corrections to help it turn back to God. The pointing finger identifies the sin or sinner, but needed more is the helping hand to assist in any correction.
8. The visitation of the Magi last week and now the Baptism of Jesus, both BLOCK BUSTER manifestations of Gods gentile love for us. In this year of Faith, as the church prepares for the New Evangelization, pray that it become like Him in His Spirit of Gentleness and the Fire to live it in the world. So that as it says in Acts, we too will go about ‘doing good works and healing all in the grip of the devil”. And when our days are done, and we face our Father is heaven, maybe we too will hear the words: My Son, My Daughter you are my servant, and because you did not BREAK the reed, because you did not QUENCH the wick, many came to me. For that I am well pleased with you!
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