Catholic Homily for Cycle B 4th Sunday Easter (Good Shepherd Sunday)
by Fred Karpuk
1. “I am the Good Shepherd. I know my sheep. And My sheep know me…” This Sunday is traditionally called ‘GOOD SHEPHERD’ Sunday. I think we here can easily agree that Jesus is that Good Shepherd. Yet a bone of contention outside of the Catholic Church, and that is we say that Jesus left His CATHOLIC CHURCH to do the Shepherding. Since we believe this, inside the church we believe then the POPE and the BISHOPS with the help of the PRIESTS are His replacement SHEPHERDS and essentially the rest are the SHEEP. Jesus in his teachings, leads us to understand that anyone who claims to be a Shepherd better be GOOD…and anyone claiming to be a member of the flock better be ready to FOLLOW their Voice.
For the sake of UNITY in the church and witness to the world, there is a great need for the leaders of the church and its’ people to embody this sound teaching of SHEPHERD and SHEEP. Yet I would like to give you a problem that illustrates just what this concept of Shepherd and Sheep is up against. Looking back to Easter Weekend, remember how the Churches were full of people. Take that memory, and compare those full / standing room only churches with what you see here now. A Church HALF EMPTY and THIS is TYPICAL. I can’t think of one SHEPHERD or LAW of the church that says …Going to mass part of the time or even twice a year is OK.
This absenteeism is symptomatic of a lot of what is taking place in the church. I know, you know that we should be here every week. But for those who don’t, how many other teachings does 50% of the flock reject. And their NEGATIVE influence, if we are not STRONG, could diminish our Faith or even KILL it, if we are not lead well.
-What about the Eucharist…if they can’t understand the need to come to mass on Sunday, do you really think they BELIEVE Jesus is present under the form of Bread and Wine?
-On a host of other articles of Faith like ‘When does life begin?, or Why is Marriage for one man and one woman?, and does the church really teach with the authority of Jesus…what VOICE do they follow? “BAD SHEPHERD or WANDERING SHEEP” problems could be stated about many of the generations of peoples in the Israelite Old Testament history as well. From time to time throughout salvation history the people of God, who say we know and understand what God has done for us, still wander off or give bad advice, and sometimes it’s FAR FROM GOD.
2. Indeed, the pastoral culture of the Israelite people, and much of scripture suggests, we ARE like SHEEP. On ONE HAND we are the TENDER, INNOCENT, LOVABLE lambs that beg and earnestly need and get the care of its’ shepherd. Yet on the OTHER HAND, we are the EPITOME of the FOOLISH, STUBBORN sheep who wanders away from that care. The world of the Sheep (Both Animal and Human) is terribly dangerous and precarious to our lives. God has created man with a limited intellect. Hardly capable of taking care of ourselves, if the EVIL forces are strong and the GOOD Shepherd is not near.
The WANDERING and WAFFLING nature of the people in the church today beset with the diabolical prowling of the devil in the world, reminds us why we need Jesus the Good Shepherd, Why we need the church and it’s GOOD pastors to continually care and give us sound doctrine as they care for our Vulnerable faith.
3. In the 1st reading, we are to see Peter, as the one who boldly steps into the role of Good shepherd. But it helps to know the whole story. 2 weeks ago our readings showed Peter and the Apostles to be fearful and timid men locked up behind closed doors. With Jesus making cameo appearances and then telling them to wait for the Holy Spirit, today we see the POST PENTECOST PETER and crew in action.
After receiving the Holy Spirit, the apostles lead by Peter went out Preaching the Gospel. One day Peter met a lame man. He cured Him and told him about Jesus who was raised from the dead and how Jesus is the one who cured him. Because they did this in public, the leaders of the Jewish people put Peter and John in prison.
So our reading today, after spending the night in prison for curing that lame man, has them standing before the SANHEDRIN. The same Leaders, elders and scribes, that Jesus stood before only weeks before and was condemned to death. The Likes of Annas and Caiaphas and were present. But what we heard in that reading we also see today in our Pope, Bishop and Pastors. The Spirit filled Peter, is seen as a BOLD leader and SHEPHERD of the people and ACTICULATOR of the Faith. He was clearly following in Jesus Footsteps. Peter won the hearts of many that day and LEAD them to Faith in Jesus. Many that is except those who were to strong headed to FOLLOW His lead and voice.
4. In the Gospel, Jesus tells us that He is THEE GOOD SHEPHERD. But He states emphatically that a Good Shepherd will lay his life down for the Good of his sheep. And our reading today which takes place before His passion and death, is fulfilled at the end of His ministry as he dies on the Cross for His lambs.
And I firmly believe our Pastors: Bishop Nickless, Fr. Merlin and Monsignor Augustine would do the same. Until that day, hopefully it never comes, rest assured they are SHEPHERDING us night and day with every fiber of their being. On one hand they care for us with compassion and tender love. On the other hand, sometimes you lead us with a firm correcting love. For they truly are GOOD SHEPHERDS.
Today, let us all continue to LISTEN to their VOICE in the many ways they communicate the teachings of the church. Also let us ALL beckon the others to come back to the fold. And continue to pray that the
Rest of the world will begin to hear the VOICE of the Catholic Church.
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