CYCLE C 24TH ORDIANRY (2013) Ex 32: 7-11, 13-14, 1 Tim 1: 12-17, Luke 15:1-10
1.Now in the New Evangelization, Pope Francis reminds pilgrims that, “…it is enough to open a newspaper and we see that around us there is the presence of evil, the Devil is at work. But I would say is a LOUD voice ‘God is Stronger’.” Scripture reminds us today, that it is a fight between the IGNORANT and STIFF-NECKED and the LOVING and STEADFAST. It too shows us…that ‘GOD IS STRONGER’!
2. Because of the ‘Disobedience’ of Adam, the human race has been wallowing in sinfulness. That sin, veiled our INTELLECT, making it hard to clearly see what God intends. Clothed in IGNORANCE, we have a greater tendency to Sin. And when you combine ignorance with a ‘STIFF-NECKED’ nature it gets harder yet. To be ‘Stiff-necked’ means we are Stubborn, Argumentative, Opinionated, Aggressive and Divisive. On the other hand, when you combine Truth and STEADFASTNESS, you have a loving person who is firm, fixed, established and constant, not fickle. All sin is personal and we are each held responsible for our own actions. The a bad thing about SIN, is that it can be Contagious, and lead to evil of epidemic proportions. When we STRAY from God and sin as a individual, we influence family, friends, neighbor and ultimately nations. The best thing about GOOD is, it too is contagious, but will lead to good of magnanimous proportions.
2. The point of the 1st reading is that in our IGNORANCE, compounded by our STIFF-NECKED nature, we NEED to beg for God’s Mercy. We REMIND ourselves by begging God that our sins NEED to be forgiven. During the forty days that Moses spent on top of Mount Sinai receiving the ten commandments, the people down in the plain got tired of waiting. The true God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, had miraculously brought them out of Egypt, but the fickle people in their ignorance and ‘Stiff-necked’ nature, thought that God had now forgotten them. So, led by Aaron, they melted their gold jewelry and made an imitation of a golden sacred bull which they had seen being adored in Egypt. They declared that Idolatrous effigy was “their god who brought them out of Egypt.” For that, God had decided to punish them, but with the steadfast INTERCESSION of Moses, He stayed his hand and FORGAVE the nation.
3. Importantly, God understands our fallen nature as He knows we are ignorant and stiff-necked by nature. In His Tender Compassion, He remembers His Covenant, (I will make of you a great nation). He will ‘out do’ himself to forgive us and be steadfast in His effort to save us. The Gospel parables UNDERLIE the STEADFAST love of God. In the Lost Sheep Parable, the Jews of his day understood that a Shepherd needed to be always on guard and have an attitude of compassion as they cared for their herds. To allow ONE to wander would jeopardize it’s life, possibly the whole herds’ and their way of life as well. All can rejoice at the aversion of hard times and evil by a rogue lamb. The Lost Coin plays to the sentimentality of a Jewish Girl who received a string of 10 silver coins as a dowry on her wedding day, to be worn around her neck or head. For a Bride to lose ONE coin would ruin the beauty of this traditional wedding symbol. This is similar to the way we value wedding rings today. Jesus tells us that just like that Jewish girl, who would turn her house up side down to find that coin, to restore her Wedding symbol, so too does He work to restore His Treasured Dowry.
4. The 2nd reading reminds us that God can actually over come ignorance and a stiff-necked nature. Like Paul, we then are called to respond with STEADFAST love to God’s plan. St. Paul spent his Christian life regretting his SINFUL past. It made him wonder at the infinite mercy of Christ, who not only forgave all past sins but showered his graces on him so abundantly. In his ignorance he PERSECUTED Jewish converts to Christ. These past crimes, were influenced by his ‘Stiff-necked’ nature. He JUDGED Jesus as an impostor, who was perverting the Chosen People of God. Today Paul BLAMES himself for the ignorance which caused this pharisaical pride, while Christ on the other hand, EXCUSED him because of this ignorance. His conclusion is that there is no sinner so wicked, that he can’t be forgiven.
5. Maybe evil has to play out in peoples lives, before they really understand the harm that it causes. We know an ignorant and stiff-necked people will fight for all things evil. (ie Abortion (on this one Nations are dying), gay marriage or contraception, living together before marriage, skipping mass). Few Catholics open their catechism, read church documents or read scripture. In the newspaper or TV news, there is also the stories of Good taking place in our societies. A Truthful and steadfast people will fight to promote Gods’ plan. The point today is that ‘God is Stronger’, but we each need to make sure (As Catholics) we’re STEADFAST and not STIFF-NECKED.
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