1. Athletes are asked to PUT OUT a great amount of effort in their respective sport. Good programs have GOALS to be accomplished.
-BUY INTO the coaches plan this much and we might win the conference title.
-BUY INTO the coaches plan a little more, and who knows, we could win a state title.
It’s hard to QUANTIFY, but a lot of time can be expended at different parts of the sport. Weight Lifting, skills development, endurance and speed conditioning, or game knowledge. All in all according to most experts, it takes PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE.
2. This can be the path for people seeking a special avocation to be a Doctor, Lawyer or Astronaut. Or for a business with a long term goal of owning a fleet of a 1000 trucks or maybe 20 restaurants instead of 1 or 2.
Whatever the GOAL is, we must BUY INTO the Work ethic and discipline necessary to reach the goal.
3. The problem with this as people try to reach their goal is, they …LOSE HEART. The GOAL while there, what it takes to get there is not clear in their mind or heart. An ALTERNATIVE interest takes over. They let their SKILLS go dormant. They get LAZY. They turn to Vice, like drugs, alcohol or sex.
4. Coaches, Parents, teachers, business consultants help play a role in success. And it’s at the point of Losing Heart, that they play a pivotal role.
5. To maintain the essence of being Catholic and reach the Goal of a spiritual life is Like the example I just gave. The church has laid on the line for us our GOAL. In the 3rd ‘Mystery of faith’ that we proclaim at every mass.
-CHRIST has died.
-CHRIST is risen. And…
The Gospel tells us “….you will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds with great power and glory.” And on that day, all will be there, but some in Victory….some in defeat.
In that 3rd Mystery, the church is talking about the APOCALYSE …The LAST REVELATION. The Epiphany of all Epiphanies. The Greatest Manifestation of all. This event the APOCALYSE and all that it entails… is our GOAL.
-All CREATION will first signal His FINAL COMING.
-The RESURRECTION of our Bodies will take place. A mystery that should not be down played by Catholics.
-Jesus will be Joyfully Revered as Lord and King by the elect. Much to the chagrin of His detractors.
-The LAST JUDGMENT will take place. Revealing that God’s Justice will triumph over evil and death.
-In the presence of Christ, who is Truth itself, the truth of each persons relationship with God will be laid bare.
-Those called to a seat at the Heavenly Banquet…the Supper of the Lamb will partake in it as it unfolds.
-In our Hope of a New Heaven and New Earth the fullness of God’s Kingdom will FINALLY come.
This is the APOCALYSE. This is our Christian GOAL. To revel in His Glory. To revel in the CREATION LOST…THEN restored.
6. The Hebrew Scriptures which pointed to a Messiah, also has POINTED to this APOCALYPTIC Day and GOAL. In Daniel the Prophet where it prophesies, “Many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some shall live forever, others shall be an everlasting horror and disgrace.” This is seen as a 1st good attempt in scripture to define belief in the Resurrection of the dead as we believe in it today.
7. For those who believe in the Lord, the Church holds out to us these beliefs . The Problem is, people might/will LOSE HEART.
That’s why the church reminds us to stay FOCUSED. We must work hard…BUY INTO the Program that the church Lays out for us to help us reach our GOAL. The program of Prayer, Sacraments, Teachings and Works of Mercy.
…for there are no INSTANT SAVIORS.
…It takes CONSTANT VIGILANCE to keep from the human inclination to get discouraged.
…as if we think the GOAL in not worth the effort.
8. Today as we proclaim the Mystery of Faith, think twice about what
It means when we say…CHRIST WILL COME AGAIN.
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