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1. Elijah is considered to be one of the great prophets. The one who parted from the earth in a legendary fiery chariot. He was the prophet that appeared with Jesus and Moses in the Transfiguration.

Elijah was also a ZEALOUS defender of Yahweh in word and action. He challenged the authorities and people of his day in an aggressive and uncompromising manner.

-At one point he called down a 3 YEAR DROUGHT on the people for their idolatry.

-At another he issued a PUBLIC CHALLENGE to the prophets of Baal a false god which ended for 450, in their deaths.

-And in another, he decreed the imminent END of the Kingship and house of King Ahab, the King of Israel he lived under.

-And TWICE in the Book of Kings, Elijah ‘Calls Down FIRE to destroy his enemy.

For these things Elijah was a sought after man. So he ran from the northern kingdom of Israel to the southern kingdom of Judah, where he could be alone and find death. But instead Yahweh calls him to finish the job. He must find Elisha and call him to be his SUCCESSOR as prophet.

Our reading today has Elijah finding Elisha. And as a sign of the call from Yahweh and the confirmation of that call to go through Elijah, Elijah runs up to Elisha and places his cloak over him. And Elisha in immediate response and in a drastic and pronounced Elijah like way….

-Elisha slaughters the 12 valuable oxen

-He uses the wood from his plows to cook the animals

-And gives all of the prepared food to the poor.

Elisha is at once PASSIONATELY and RESOLUTELY ready to follow Elijah. There was no attempt to reject the call or to ask for more time. It is Elisha and his response that we are called to PONDER today.

2. The Gospel is based in that same scripture value. The Grace that God provides is one of CALL and EXPECTATION of RESOLUTE response.

3. The Samaritans and the Jews of Jesus time despised each other. While nobody in the Samaritan village Jesus was visiting was willing to hear him. The cloak of God’s call was placed over them….but because his destination was Jerusalem and the Samaritans did not believe in the sacrifice at the Temple in that Holy City, they were not ready to respond. And if they did not believe in Jerusalem they could not believe in this messiah.

For their lack of a adequate response to the call, the disciples (Like Elijah) call for ‘Fire’ to destroy that village of Samaritans. But Jesus in a show of living out his teachings of non-violence calls for restraint.

4. Yet as the Journey toward Jerusalem continues we hear 3 proverbial CALLS. The response required is to help us to determine who is fit to receive the reign of God into their hearts. Jesus’ retorts to excuses, while exaggerations, are meant to knock us out of our SHORT SIGHTED and STAID ways of thinking about Gods call. Remember a resolute response is expected when God Calls.

-FOXES HAVE DENS…the son of man has nowhere to lay His head. He asking us are we ready for discipleship in the kingdom of God now or do you need to order our universe about us before we respond?

-LET THE DEAD BURY THE DEAD….OR Let the Spiritually dead bury the physically dead.
For those in the Kingdom of God celebrate death as a beginning to the new life in heaven. He’s asking us to take God INTO our daily lives and every problem and WE WILL LIVE.

-NO ONE WHO SETS HIS HAND to the plow and looks back to see what is left behind is fit for the Kingdom of God. The Palestinian plow was very light and while in use you would have 1 hand on the Plow and the other to drive the oxen. This plow action needed Dexterity and concentrated attention. For if one looked away, the furrow would become crooked and a lot of time wasted. He’s asking us, do we worry to much about what others think or that we are good enough?

5. As we square the message today with our Baptismal call, HOW IS our RESOLVE as we head to Jerusalem.

-As a CATHOLIC imagine Jesus/Father standing in front of you saying “Come follow me, I got something for you to do.” What is your first reaction. (We have a hard time getting gift bearers)

-As a DISCIPLE, look for the way to harmonize a radical response to the Gospel with full participation in the life of our society: ie; working on immigration issues, helping the needy, promoting married life. etc.

-As a PROPHET, ask your self what you have been afraid to change in your family, social life, or professional life for fear of how others might react. We are to let nothing stand in our way as we promote God’s Kingdom.

-As a PRIEST, think of the times you would like to have called down FIRE on someone. Ask yourself what is the gentle and respectful way to help that person change.

-As a KING, identify the people that encourage us to ‘not make waves’. Call this principle into questions in your next conversation with that person. And by your actions show your resolve to bring about the kingdom of God.

6. As we each use up the hours of our time here on earth, take time to
resolutely fill them with good and holy actions along the way to Jerusalem.