Cycle C 24th
1. BULL WORSHIP. The Golden Calf is the sign of mid eastern god of Power and Fertility. But after all Yahweh did for the Israelites, to establish a personal relationship with them (Remember, “I am your God and you are my people”), by bringing them out of EGYPT and SLAVERY with His great power in the 10 PLAGUES and His STRONG HAND in the crossing of the Red Sea, they fell off their guard and became BACKSLIDERS. Turning to BULL WORSHIP.
This fickle people couldn’t worship the God who saved them… they worshiped instead a god who didn’t exist. But one in their minds who’s concepts of power and fertility, they could grasp, so they raised that image of a Golden Calf.
Consider this to be true of man’s history. God has always Stepped forward to make Himself known. Only to find mankind worshipping the golden calves of money, sex, celebrity and power.
Just read what Pope Benedict said to the Austrians Last Week.
2. There is one ‘Thou shall Not’ law that comes in the 1st reading. It is IDOLATRY. Conversely a ‘Thou Shall Do’ of INTERCESSION.
We as a people know we can fall down. And it’s important for us to realize that we have sinned. When we do it’s important for us to PRAY and INTERCEED. Begging God to spare us and forgive us of our sins. In the tradition of Abraham, Moses today and Paul in our 2nd reading, all bring to the forefront how we act out at times in IGNORANCE and WEAKNESS in our faith.
3. The Gospel gave us 3 parables of Separation and Reunion that reflect crucial truths about the character of God. The 1st two tell us the LENGTHS to which God will go to show His LOVE of mankind.
For what seemingly is ABSURD to man is PRACTICAL to God. Of any parable though, the Prodigal Son is probably the most profound. It deals well with our flawed character and establishes just what God will do for those who realize their sinfulness and seek God’s forgiveness. And to the seemingly faithful son, while that reestablished relationship seemed absurd and unfair, none the less that is who God is. And we are to follow in His footsteps is forgiving our wayward brothers.
4, Here’s what underlies the parable of the LOST SHEEP. “What man among you, having 100 SHEEP and loosing 1, would go after it leaving the 99?” Going after the 1 Leaves the 99 in a precarious situation. They’re subject to food, water and environment problems, possible attack from wild animals and further scattering of the flock.
NOT going makes sense to us, but to God, it’s a MUST.
And then the trouble the Shepherd would have to go through to search for the lost little one; the brambles and thickets and rough terrain, the worry and fatigue, all add up to us to not search. But to God no hardship is to much. All the sheep are very important.
5. And for the parable of the LOST COIN. “What woman among you have 10 coins, losing one does not light a lamp, sweep the house until she finds it?” Some would say I have nine left…or that one insignificant coin will not make a difference. But to the wise woman, she realizes just like God, that every coin is beneficial to the household. Therefore, God turns his house UPSIDE DOWN to find that useless and insignificant lost person.
6. Key to understanding the parable of the wayward son is the word PRODIGAL. The word not only describes both sons but it also Paradoxically describes the Father. (It also describes Israel, it describes well our modern world.)
Prodigal on one hand means we have TOTALLY wasted or blown the good God has given us. And on the other hand, Prodigal describes how God continually LAVISHES Love, Mercy, care, and forgiveness.
We didn’t deserve all of His goodness in the first place, but he gave us creation. We turn to worship of the Bull and we SQUANDER our inheritance. But in seeking His forgiveness the father who is patiently waiting for us, gives it all LAVISHLY back AGAIN.
With the robe…He gives us back our family esteem,
With the Ring…our royal status and authority is given back.
The sandals…show we are a free man, no longer a slave to sin.
All this and NO questions asked. NO apology necessary. And then a meal and a place of honor taboot.
7. Today the church asks us to respond to our readings in 3 ways.
#1: Like the wayward son, examine our own lives carefully. If we find that we have Slid backwards and have gone to Bull worship, RUN / RUN to His waiting arms in the Sacrament of Confession.
#2: The Good son, though he was obedient, the parable tells us he must in his relationship with the father develop a more forgiving nature. We know we must not stand in Judgement of other Bull Worshipers, but when they return they are apart of God’s family, and we too must rejoice. No better way to do that then at Sunday Eucharist. #3 We too are responsible for lost sheep and coins. We must join in the Search for those who have lost their way. Prepare yourselves to give an all out effort and be ready to celebrate the Joy of the find.
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