2. Aside from the Marriage, Birth, Journey to Egypt and this Gospel story of Finding Jesus in the temple, not much more is known about the Holy Family. In our own experiences we supply the Ups and downs Mary and Joseph might have had. This story easily draws our attention to the emotion and drama…..
-Our Holy Family, being faithful Jews made the annual Passover pilgrimage to Jerusalem from Nazareth of 70 miles.
-Mary and Joseph understandably were very anxious, when on the way home YESHUA (Jesus) was not to be found in either ones company.
-Easily Mary & Joseph could have gotten caught up in the commotion and left Jesus behind. Jesus must have felt very confident at the age of 12 to not worry at their absence.
-Jesus might of ventured to the Temple. Feeling drawn to the presence of His heavenly Father. Enjoying the temple learning and teaching with others was a good fit.
-Upon finding Him, His parents showed they did not understand how much Jesus had grown in the knowledge of who He was and His relationship to His Father. And that this desire to ‘Move forward’ took precedence over His relationship to Mary & Joseph. Maybe He was ready to cut the apron strings.
-But theme of Jesus as OBEDIENT CHILD (To God and His Parents) emerges as the major Gospel Theme, as he Obediently went back to Nazareth with Mary and Joseph.
3. The TRIALS or JOYS of raising a Family is a secondary theme to this Gospel. The MAIN theme on this Feast of the Holy Family is how the church holds out to us the importance of developing AUTHENTIC Christian Family VALUES. Values for the PERSONAL family and CHURCH family that we belong to.
In Christmas, more than any other Holiday, we celebrate the Gift of Family or family ties. This special feast day should inspire all families to look for ways to UPHOLD family life and STREGTHEN it as Christians. When stories are retold of good and bad events, what is important to see, is the virtue that grew out of that experience. In our Gospel the virtue of ‘OBEDIENCE’ is what stands out today.
4. In the reading to the Colossians, Paul is exhorting we who hear the word of God, to learn how ‘FAMILY MEMBERS’ are to conduct themselves in virtue on a broader scale.
The list of virtues mentioned (Compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience) while conventional mores, the reason we are to employ them, makes them Distinctly Christian. An example: to forgive someone is a decent thing to do. But we are to forgive as Christ forgave us, which conforms us and the virtue to His standards.
“Turn the other cheek”, “do it 70 x 7 times” or “Love those who hate you”. We apply that norm to all the rest. With LOVING others as Christ has loved us, being the highest and the one that leads Families to perfection. Think of how peaceful FAMILY life is when all Virtues are employed?
5. For Your Family, For the benefit of this Family….how do we take on virtue which is the essence of God and Holy Family? In BAPTISM!
#1, We fill our hearts and minds with the word of God. Then as ‘PROPHETS’ we instruct and admonish one another.
#2. As ‘PRIESTS’ we sing psalms, inspired songs, pray and worship together. The story of Christmas is how God became man so that in this Eucharist we can become God.
#3. And in the ‘KINGSHIP of Christ’ we must try to establish the TRUTH of God’s Kingdom in our EVERY ACTION and WORD for others to see and hear.
6. Lifes Events, (Someone Being Lost, Dying, getting sick, worn out by hard work, getting into trouble) must be entered into by FAMILIES. But the most important thing about them again is how we grow from them virtuously.
Take a look at your personal family. How can you make it HOLIER starting now. The same for our Church Family. Those around you are they STRANGERS or members of our Holy family? Show them VIRTUE and we will be FRIENDS and FAMILY for Life.
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