Cycle A 4th Easter
1. There was a ‘Turning Point’ at which the TRUE Apostles and the TRUE followers of Christ had to SEPARATE themselves from unbelieving Israelites and become the CHURCH. It was the festival of Pentecost, a salvation event of the highest importance, when those apostles TURNED under the influence of the Holy Spirit.
Important to us is WHO was the leader at that TURNING POINT. And Just as important is WHAT he said. Let’s look at it again.
(On the day of PENTECOST) PETER stood up with the Eleven, raised his voice, and addressed them; “Let the whole house of Israel know beyond any doubt that God has made both Lord and Messiah this Jesus who you crucified.”
Who was he speaking too? A vast representation of ‘All of Israel’.
And they were listening to the Contingency left behind by Jesus. And on that day, we see a people ready to repent…ready to believe. For Peters words had cut them to the heart. So they asked, “Brothers, what must we do?” Peters preaching awoke their consciousness to having SINNED and then the DESIRE to be FORGIVEN.
And what did Peter asked them to do. “… REFORM and be BAPTIZED”
2. In the Gospel, we have a story that is foundational to what happened on Pentecost. This Gospel is used to remind us that Jesus is the ‘GOOD SHEPERD’. A title in which we honor Jesus, but is important to the activity of the Church. It underlies, two important aspects of God’s Mercy, which are extended through Jesus and his church. And they are CARE and PROTECTION. All good SHEPHERDS provide these to their flocks.
3. The Domestication of Sheep is a 6000 year old practice. In the time of Jesus, a PROFESSIONAL shepherd was desired. For the shepherds job had many IMPORTANT duties:
a) he needed to MOVE the flock from pasture to pasture.
b) he needed to FIND clean, still and fresh water.
c) he needed to TEND to the sick, the lame and ewes lambing
c) he needed to PROTECT his flock from wild animals, lions and thieves
d) he needed to KEEP his flock intact as sheep tend to wander.
e) he needed to HERD them to markets for wool, meat, and milk. And
f) he needed to CHOOSE those needed for temple sacrifice.
Shepherds also worked in GROUPS. Sheep need constant CARE and PROTECTION. So working in teams would give them TIME for personal needs like sleeping and eating.
4. To protect their flocks when out in the open fields, shepherds constructed holding pens. A 4 foot high WALL made out of piled up Rocks. And on top, a ROW of sharp rocks or other piercing objects like Brambles and thorns. This prevented wild animals, lions or thieves from crawling over the top. And in that pen, they made one SMALL DOOR that would let shepherds and their sheep in an out. And at NIGHT the shepherd would FEARLESSLY place HIMSELF in that entrance to control access and provide protection. He BECAME the SHEEP GATE.
A notable trait of Sheep, is they know the VOICE of their Pastor. So when he called they came. And in a holding pen comprised of 3-4 or 5 different herds , a shepherd could go through the SHEEP GATE and call his flock out of that group. And his and only his sheep would follow him to where ever he was LEADING them.
5. In the old testament of Ezekiel 34, 11-12 the prophet foretold that the Messiah would be a Good Shepherd. “For thus says the Lord God, I myself will look after and tend my sheep”. Jesus fulfills that prophecy as he tells us that he is the SHEEP GATE.
Then in John 21, 15-19 Jesus tells Peter 3 times to ‘Feed my lambs, feed by lambs, feed my sheep’. So when Jesus left that small contingency of apostles, inspired by the SPIRIT on Pentecost, the CARE and PROTECTION of Jesus remained in tact as Peter emerged as the LEAD Shepherd of the church. But it was the TURNING POINT of Pentecost that all those FEARFUL men became FEARLESS SHEEP GATES.
6. In church tradition, we continue to have the succession of leaders known as shepherds, We have Father Merlin our immediate Pastor. We have Bishop Nicolas who is the Shepherd of the Diocese. And we have the lead Shepherd, Pope Benedict XVI. The one who follows in the line of Peter. He is coming to TEND to the flock in the United States next week.
7. Jesus is the Chief shepherd and Sheep Gate. Pope Benedict, Bishop Nicolas and Father Merlin are Shepherds of various degrees. But who are the Sheep and Lambs? Yes, you and Me. We must carefully listen to the one VOICE of our Shepherds. For with out that voice in the church, we would have much to Fear in this world. As Peter also said, “the devil goes about like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour”. That is why we must be thankful that we have earthly Shepherds who care and protect us by performing the many tasks of a Good Shepherd.
We must never forget that Jesus the SHEEP GATE, is always near. In Prayer, Scripture and Sacrament, we receive his personal Shepherd-like care and protection. Our TURNING POINT as sheep to learn to know and follow His VOICE. We TOO then leave unbelievers behind and become church.
First Communicants
To those making your first Communion….This is a great day for you! We want you to take heart in knowing that Jesus is especially aware of you today. You and Jesus have something very much in common.
While Jesus is the Good Shepherd who calls you to follow Him. And of course He is the Sheep Gate, who will protect you from all bad things in life as you follow His voice.
What you have in common is that you are lambs…and he also is a LAMB…THE LAMB OF GOD. He knows and understands how precious you are to His Father…because He knew how much His Father Loved Him. They lived in perpetual Communion.
Remember today then, for you to live in perpetual Communion with Jesus, you must always obey your shepherds: that is your parents, teachers and priests.
But you will also live in communion with Jesus by receiving him in Holy Communion every time you can for the rest of your life. You little lambs of God, from this day forward, Jesus is always here waiting for you.
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