by Fred Karpuk | Dec 15, 2008 | 2008, Corpus Christi, Cycle A
Catholic Homily for CYCLE A FEAST OF CORPUS CHRISTI by Fred Karpuk 1. I’ll bet there is not a mother/wife who at one time had both the young kids and the husband WHINING about how they were STARVING and need to eat NOW. And then a few minutes later after you had spent...
by Fred Karpuk | Dec 15, 2008 | 2008, 26th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Cycle A, Ordinary
Cycle A 26th Ordinary 1. We are in the 1st of 3 Gospels known as the ‘PARABLES OF REJECTION. Some of Jesus’ last teaching moments dealing with His rejection as the Messiah are recorded in the parables of: -The man who had two sons. -The property owner who had a...
by Fred Karpuk | Dec 15, 2008 | 2008, 21st Sunday of Ordinary Time, Cycle A, Ordinary
CYCLE A 21ST ORDINARY 1. Part of the message of the New Testament was to help the Jewish People and now us, to view Jesus as the PROMISED Royal Son of David. It was the Anointed one of God, or Messiah that all hopes were hanging on. He who would restore the KINGDOM of...
by Fred Karpuk | Dec 15, 2008 | 17th Sunday of Ordinary Time, 2008, Cycle A, Ordinary
CYCLE A 17TH SUNDAY 1. As I reflect how things have advanced in life, through Education, with Family, at work, in Church, or with Friends, I can HUMBLY say that I have been gifted with WISDOM. Both the practical and spiritual. And I feel the urge to grow. Yet there...
by Fred Karpuk | Dec 15, 2008 | 2008, Cycle A, Fourth Sunday of Lent, Lent
Cycle A 4th lent 1. While I can’t identify with Blindness….should I take out my contacts, I dare say I would be severely handicapped to perform many simple pleasures and tasks. -You would never let me drive. -Watching TV would be no better than listening to the Radio....
by Fred Karpuk | Dec 15, 2008 | 2008, Advent, Cycle A, Third Sunday of Advent
CYCLE A 3RD ADVENT 1, As we lit the PINK candle of the Advent Wreath, we were to remind ourselves as Christians that we are called to live our lives with JOY. But in Paul’s letter to the Philippians he gives us a particular kind. It says: Rejoice in the Lord Always;...
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