by Fred Karpuk | Nov 7, 2009 | 2009, 29th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Cycle B, Ordinary
1. The written or spoken WORD is very powerful indeed. In the class room or home, but especially in Scripture the WORD is both an assurance and a challenge. The WORD can excite us. It can move us to action. But remember by it we are also judged and indicted. 2. True...
by Fred Karpuk | Sep 22, 2009 | 2009, 25th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Cycle B, Ordinary
CYCLE B 25TH ORDINARY (Ws. 2, 12. 17-20, James 3, 16-4,3 & Mk 9, 30-37) 1. The central message of Jesus’ preaching in the Gospels is the coming of the kingdom of heaven. With that announcement He shows US, those who are to receive this great gift of God, the need...
by Fred Karpuk | Aug 12, 2009 | 19th Sunday of Ordinary Time, 2009, Cycle B, Ordinary
Catholic Homily for Cycle B Nineteenth Sunday Ordinary Time (1KGS 19 4-8, JOHN 6 41-51) by Fred Karpuk 1. There is a lot to learn as a Catholic or as someone looks to becoming Catholic. Suffice to say that out of all the scripture and books like the Catechism, there...
by Fred Karpuk | Jun 11, 2009 | 2009, Cycle B, Ordinary, Trinity Sunday
Catholic Homily for CYCLE B TRINITY SUNDAY by Fred Karpuk 1. The Holy Trinity is ONE GOD from WHO, through WHOM, and in WHOM all things exist. The word TRINITY never appears in scripture. And the church knows it is a hard mystery to understand, but in today’s liturgy...
by Fred Karpuk | Jun 11, 2009 | 2009, 4th Sunday of Easter (Good Shepherd), Cycle B, Easter
Catholic Homily for Cycle B 4th Sunday Easter (Good Shepherd Sunday) by Fred Karpuk 1. “I am the Good Shepherd. I know my sheep. And My sheep know me…” This Sunday is traditionally called ‘GOOD SHEPHERD’ Sunday. I think we here can easily agree that Jesus is that Good...
by Fred Karpuk | Apr 17, 2009 | 2009, 5th Sunday of Lent, Cycle B, Lent
CATHOLIC HOMILY FOR CYCLE B 5TH LENT by Fred Karpuk 1. Most of us have been through an event in life which filled us with EMOTION. We were AMAZED at what happened. In other words, we were STUNNED by it. For example, you loose a loved one. That can be a STUNNER. But it...
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