by Fred Karpuk | Oct 13, 2012 | 2012, Cycle B, John the Baptist, Ordinary
CYCLE B JOHN THE BAPTIST Readings adapted to preach on Fortnight for Freedom 1. If your not aware, the Catholic Church, lead in a show of unity by our countries bishops, has come to recognize that in the governmental process over the last 40 years, in forming laws and...
by Fred Karpuk | Oct 13, 2012 | 2012, 25th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Cycle B, Ordinary
CYCLE B 25TH ORDINARY 2012 Wisdom 2: 12, 17-20, James 3:16 – 4:3, Mark 9: 30-37 1. The words of the Gospel “…they did not UNDERSTAND the saying, and they were AFRAID to ask Him any more questions” is what hit me as key to the HEART of today’s message. In many cases,...
by Fred Karpuk | Oct 13, 2012 | 2012, 20th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Cycle B, Ordinary
1. If grey or SILVER hair is a sign of Wisdom…many of us then are to be considered very wise. For WISDOM is the practical knowledge we gain mostly as the fruit of years of OBSERVATION and EXPERIENCE. We seek wisdom in life, not for it self, but because it can help us...
by Fred Karpuk | Oct 13, 2012 | 16th Sunday of Ordinary Time, 2012, Cycle B, Ordinary
CYCLE B 16TH ORDINARY 2012 1. I hadn’t taken a weeks VACATION in 25 years, because of the fears, demands and constraints of my life…until three weeks ago. It all started on a Friday with a Lefler Family reunion (all 135 of them) in South Bend, Ne. Two hot days of non...
by Fred Karpuk | Jun 4, 2012 | 2013, 33rd Sunday Kingship of Christ, Cycle C, Ordinary
1. Today, as we talk, sing and pray about how Jesus is KING, take a close look at Him on our beautiful cross. Look at how that instrument of death and punishment has a Kings crown that sits at top. The goal today is for us to understand how the ‘CROSS’ we bear, like...
by Fred Karpuk | Oct 14, 2011 | Body and Blood of Christ, Cycle C
CYCLE C: BODY & BLOOD OF CHRIST Gospel Luke 9: 10-17, Gen. 14: 18-20 & Cor. 11: 23-26 We celebrate our parish feast day today: The Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ. That in too many Catholic people the connection in FAITH to the THEOLOGY of the church and...
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